Daily Targets is an idea to deliver best and quality content to students preparing for banking exams, through which students can prepare for their exams without wasting their precious time on searching materials. In Daily Targets you will be provided with daily current affairs, English, reasoning & Quantitative aptitude assignments in the form of PDF which you have to practice on daily basis. Weekly quizzes will be conducted to check your performance and video lectures will be provided once or twice in a month.
Daily Targets是为准备参加银行考试的学生提供最佳质量的内容的一种想法,通过该课程,学生可以为考试做准备,而不会浪费宝贵的时间来搜索材料。在每日目标中,您将以PDF的形式获得每日时事,英语,推理和定量能力分配,您必须每天练习。每周进行一次测验以检查您的表现,并且每月提供一次或两次视频讲座。